About SS

Subtle Statements started out as a very small fun little thing by a 17 year old girl doing something along managing her Alevels in 2019. Slowly that venture expanded and gained recognition and a lot of popularity amongst its Pakistani customer base, and the urge to make it countable also gave birth. 

What started as a jewelry page selling items being sourced from brands in Dubai, turned into creating a community and a safe space engaging between women and hearing their stories. It later grew into launching our own supplied jewelry called Panache and then expanded into a wellness page

In 2022, the same girl gave her long lost dream a push and launched a Growth Planner called 365 Days Of Growth. This project was a dream envisioned in 2020 and had been in works since 18 months. 

We at SS are a team of strong women trying our best to empower every woman we meet. The women at Subtle Statements stand where they stand because other women supported them through thick and thing.